Saturday 6 February 2016

Relive the Magical Moments of the Night Of Bliss Ghana!

It was a night of nights. From the teeming crowd everywhere to the tangible expectations in the atmosphere, the music ministrations, the testimonies segment, to the arrival of our man of God, Pastor Chris. It was marvelous! And the Word! The Word came forth with power, the anointing and the ability to do. Pastor shared such power message with us, it stirred faith in our hearts. Here are snippets from the message;

"There are 3 important virtues/abilities that have been deposited into our human spirit that we have to learn to use;

1. FAITH: the ability to acknowledge the invisible and to act inspite of our sensory perceptions.

2. HOPE: the ability to expect and project into the future.

3. LOVE: the ability to give and accept; value, love, trust, fellowship.

The main purpose of the Gospel of Jesus, is a Call to Fellowship. 1st Cor 1:9, 1st John 1:3-4.

Abraham was famous because he was God's covenant friend; and you're the Seed of Abraham. We're not in a covenant with God but a Product of the Covenant. Gal 3:26-29, Act 3:25.

Prayer is our wonderful communication with our heavenly Father. You don't have to struggle or pray for anything that God has already done! 2nd Peter 1:3. Find out from God's Word how to take what belongs to you.

It doesn't matter how many demons come up against you, have no fear in you. Declare it, 'I have no fear in me! Christ Jesus is greater than them all! Fear is of the devil, Faith is of God. I have Faith in me!

"Strong guys never bully only weak ones do to reassure themselves. The next time someone tries to bully you, tell them, 'you're really weak'.

So mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed! Store the Word of God in you until it overflows. Use your God-given faith and grow it! Rom 8:28.

Having heard all these;
Accept this Call to Fellowship and the free gifts that come with it! The power is in your believing it. If you don't accept it, it will not work for you.

Faith without works is dead. Many people don't know that their expression matters. What you believe should show in your attitudes and responses.

Put your hands where you need a miracle. TAKE IT wherever you are!

It was an avalanche of the Miracles. A rain of blessings and healings everywhere. Oh! What glorious testimonies! Wheelchairs raised, crutches held up, miracles and miracles as the blind saw, the lame walked, anaemia healed, diverse diseases cleansed in the mighty name of Jesus!!!

And there were salvations as many turned their hearts to God. Oh! What a Glorious Night of Bliss 2016! Ghana will never remain the same again."


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