Saturday 6 February 2016

Special address by Rev Tom Amenkhienan, NOBGHANA

Special address by Rev Tom Amenkhienan

The Night of Bliss was not man's idea, it was God's idea. This is a history making event. God wants to save, bless and prosper, Ghana, so he sent a Prophet, Rev Dr Chris Oyakhilome, a man sent not from the International monetary fund IMF with economic policies or from World health organisation WHO with medical remedies or from the United nations but a man sent from God.

Hosea 12: 13
John 1:6
Malachi 3:6

God doesn't change. Whatever has given up on you (medical science, society, school), that God, that you were told can help you, is here tonight. The help from God is available, all you need is to believe. If the devil can't stop you from receiving your miracle, don't stop yourself. Whatever you needed that brought you here, even if you didn't know what you needed, the Holy spirit knows and will work it out for you.

Luke 5:17 the power of God is present to heal. The Blessing of God that comes upon a man that changes his life, is present. All you need is to be at the right place at the right time. After tonight your life will begin to blossom, you'll be positioned rightly. It's an atmosphere of miracles. Believe and receive. Luke 1:45.

God knows the next level in your life and He has come to position you, to take you there. Rejoice with those who receive miracles for he that waters shall himself be watered. #NOBGHANA

Watch this space for detailed reporting of the rest of the event. 

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