Monday, 6 October 2014

Did you know...

If you stacked 1,000 Bibles on top of each other, they’d be as tall as Brazil’s Christ the Redeemer statue?

87% of Christians with Internet access can read or listen to the Bible in their own language on the Bible App?

The Bible App offers text in more languages than any other app?

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What Do You See? Part 1 by Dr. Strive Masiyiwa

Our first mobile license was not Zimbabwe, as is generally believed:
It was actually Botswana, in 1998, several months before we were licensed by a Supreme Court in Zimbabwe.

The government of Botswana called for international tenders, from experienced operators. It was to be a "beauty contest", in which operators had to submit proposals on how they would provide services, if they won the license. Botswana is a country that does things very professionally and transparently.

Although I had lots of ideas, on how to win the tender, there was one big problem: we had never operated a cell phone network, and so we had no experience, to qualify as a bidder. Most people would have walked away at that stage, but I would not be deterred: I drew up

Love Others As They Are

…But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:7-8).
Some people believe anyone who isn’t like them has a problem; they try to "change" other people or get them to measure up to their standards. Having pastored for so many years, I’ve learnt that you really can’t "change" anybody. The best thing is to see others the way God sees them; love them the way they are.

God didn’t ask us to change so He could love us; He loved us while we were yet sinners. He didn’t wait for us to become righteous first; He loved us the way we were and sent Jesus to die in our place.

If God didn’t wait for us to "change" first, before sending Jesus