Saturday, 6 February 2016

Relive the Magical Moments of the Night Of Bliss Ghana!

It was a night of nights. From the teeming crowd everywhere to the tangible expectations in the atmosphere, the music ministrations, the testimonies segment, to the arrival of our man of God, Pastor Chris. It was marvelous! And the Word! The Word came forth with power, the anointing and the ability to do. Pastor shared such power message with us, it stirred faith in our hearts. Here are snippets from the message;


Pastor Chris said while ministering, that "Jesus is all you need tonight. He has given you all things that pertain unto life and godliness. Jesus is so close to you, you can feel and touch Him. So touch Him with your faith."

Special address by Rev Tom Amenkhienan, NOBGHANA

Special address by Rev Tom Amenkhienan

The Night of Bliss was not man's idea, it was God's idea. This is a history making event. God wants to save, bless and prosper, Ghana, so he sent a Prophet, Rev Dr Chris Oyakhilome, a man sent not from the International monetary fund IMF with economic policies or from World health organisation WHO with medical remedies or from the United nations but a man sent from God.