Saturday 6 February 2016


Pastor Chris said while ministering, that "Jesus is all you need tonight. He has given you all things that pertain unto life and godliness. Jesus is so close to you, you can feel and touch Him. So touch Him with your faith."

Pastor gave an illustration of when he was in school. A bigger guy than him wanted to bully him but another student of just about the same size as him told the bully "if you touch him I will finish you". From that day he always walked pass the bully freely. The devil knows you know the word and he knows he is not strong but because of your negative confession, he finds a way to get you using deception. Satan by himself knows he is not strong so have no fear of the devil. A Christian doesn't need deliverance from the devil. If you will learn the word of God, you will realise you don't need deliverance.

Strong guys never bully; they try to protect others. Only weak guys bully to try reassure themselves. The next time someone tries to bully you tell them "you're really weak." The next time you feel like bullying someone, remember Pastor Chris' words. It doesn't matter how many demons gang up against you, for instance, how many rats can be enough to agree to come together and attack a cat? It's not in them. So be not perturbed. it is not in the demons to be smart enough to attack you. Satan has nothing in you. I have no fear in me. Declare it!! Christ Jesus is greater than all. Fear is of the devil! Faith is of God!"

In this great fellowship, God has given us three important things.
1. Eternal Life Pastor said that as a child of God you should be conscious of the fact that the devil is afraid of you. Pastor said that "strong guys don't bully others. Only weak boys bully. Its like the devil, he does not have what it takes to defeat you but he uses deception to defeat some Christians. Eternal life is the life and nature of God When you are born again, it is an actual transformation When you are born again, it is an actual transformation.
The human life with which you were born is supplanted by that of God."

2. The second thing is Faith God has given you faith, use it, if it doesn't work the first time, try again. You can develop your faith by putting it to work and that's by studying the word Pastor reassured us that every Christian has right to divine health.

Three Important Virtues.

1. FAITH is the ability to acknowledge the invisible and to act in spite of sensory perception.

2. HOPE is the ability to expect and project into the future.

3. LOVE is the ability to give and accept: value,  trust and fellowship.

The first point is about the three virtues above. The second is about the Gospel: The main purpose of the Gospel of Jesus is a call to fellowship. 1 Corinthians 1.9: God is faithful... 1 John 1.3-4: truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ... The thing that made Abraham famous, was that he was God's covenant friend; and you are the seed of Abraham. Gal 3.26-29, Acts 3.25: "Ye are the children of the prophets and of the covenant." We are not "IN" a covenant with God, we are a "PRODUCT" of the covenant. Example: a husband and wife are in a covenant of marriage. Suppose they had a daughter, would she be in their marriage covenant? No! She's a child of the covenant, not "IN" the covenant.

You don't have to struggle or pray for certain things that God's already done. Prayer is our wonderful communication, with our heavenly Father. A child doesn't have to struggle, because mom and Dad have already done things for them.
2 Peter 1.3: Find out from God's word how to take what belongs to you. Not to struggle for what God's already done.

Having heard all these things:
1. Accept it: Accept this call to fellowship and the free gifts that come with it. The power is in your believing it. If you don't accept it, it will not work.
2. Act like it: Faith without works is dead. Many people don't know that their expressions matter. What you believe should show on your, your attitude, your responses.
3. Proclaim it. Use your mouth to bring it to pass. Keep Saying it. 2 Corinthians 4:13

As the time for Pastor to minister to the sick approaches... Some can't wait! They lambano their healings as they hear the Word of God! Wheelchair raised as Pastor is still ministering the Word of God.

And as Pastor instructed everyone to put their hand where they need a miracle, blindness, sickle cell anaemia, elephantiasis, lameness, deafness, cancer, barrenness and other diseases and infirmities healed! By the power of the Holy Ghost!
They have believed!
They have touched Him!!
Miracles Abound!!!

When the alter call was made thousands of people massively went forward to accept the greatest gift of all, the gift of salvation.

The Word of the Lord prevailed in Ghana as people in their thousands gave their hearts to Christ... The Lord indeed added to the church such as should be saved...Glory! This meeting will be remembered in history as a watershed! 

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