Monday 8 February 2016

February 2016 Communion Service with Pastor Chris The month of ORDER

This is the year of spreading
February is an important month
It is the month of ORDER

Titus 1:4-5

God does not tolerate disorderlyness
When you want to see the grace of God producing results in your life, order must be a part of your life
You have to have order in your life
Have order in your heart
Bring order into your life:
- Your times of prayer
- Your time for God, take these seriously

Set things in order in your life
Your partnership with the Gospel is very vital
Your giving in the house of God is important
Meetings in the house of the Lord must be important to you, like the Communion. It is important to give towards these meetings

Bring order into your house, in your life, and in the church

There is a divine order and there is human order
In our various environment and societies the government provides for us what the order should be for us
Then there is divine order, which is from God. This is God's order
For example giving of first fruits. First fruits is very important and is not a freewill offering. It came first and is more important than the tithe
This does not mean the tithe is not important. It is also important
Its important to God for you to give your first fruits

Assembling - going to the house of God.
It is important to attend services in the house of God. You dont go when you choose to or when you feel like it, thats disorder.
You have to bring order into your life

Exodus 34:17-24
God is telling us about Priorities / order here.
He had already promised them the land but He said they must do what He says and then will He give them the land and chase their enemies away

This year, for you to prosper you have to follow God's order so that the word of the year will come to pass in your life.
Your prosperity is tied to your giving. Give your first fruit and your offerings in the house of God
Attendance of communion services is very vital.
There is nothing wrong in breaking bread on your own. But breaking of bread by the Church takes priority
Prioritise the communion services this year. Plan to attend every communion service.

Prioritise your attending every communion Services
God already promised us all things and said He will drive the enemies from your land but there are some things that God wil not do until and unless you start bringing His order into your life

This month organise yourself
The gathering of the brethren means a lot to God
Attending church services is very important.
That is the guarantee of your prosperity, increase, peace, security and your growth
The more you grow in your Christian life, the more you will take church attendance seriously
You must be in the Church of Jesus Christ. There are no individuals who came without connection to any family. There are no individual Christians. Its the same in the spiritual realm. We belong to a spiritual family
God does not have any freelance Christians
Attending church services is important
If you are doing what God says when challenges come you will not know what to do. But when you have been walking with God and you come across any challenge He will take charge because you have been doing what God told you to do

This month GET IN ORDER. Bring order into your life
When you do this, this month will turn into a month of laughter for you
We have yookos prayer times every Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Take these seriously. Pray at the designated times, dont set your own times aside of those
When we are meant to fast, fast as announced and dont push your one to another time

Take these instructions seriously
If you do these things nothing will stop your success, nothing will stop your growth and nothing will stop your approval before God

Remember to preorder you copy of the book titled 'Power of the mind'
It will change your life!

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