Tuesday 24 November 2015

IPPC 2015 DAY 5 Morning - Dare to Believe, Rev. Ken

Dare to Believe, Rev. Ken

Friday morning session of the ongoing International Pastors and Partners Conference was a journey into self appraisal and Rev. Ken Oyakhilome charged delegates to take a worthy stand in their Christian journey and dare to believe. Rev. Ken noted that he was speaking to the most powerful and intelligent people in the earth which orcourse is indisputable.

Making reference to the book of Mark 9:23, If thou can believe, all things are possible to him that believes said Jesus. I’m a believer. It means to accept something as true and act accordingly. Rev. Ken urged the audience to “dare to believe the word of God which is believable. It has the ability to do all that it talks about. Reading also from Psalms 90:1”The law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul. It’s God’s testimony. From verse seven. In keeping the word of God, there’s great reward”. And Romans 4:17 where it was made known that “Abraham believed the word of God. Against hope, he believed in hope. He wasn’t weak in faith and never wavered. He was fully persuaded”.  Rev. Ken said that “your believing brings persuasion. Abraham abandoned himself on Jehovah. Paul said “I know Whom I have believed”. God is known in Believers Loverworld nation he shouted.

Continuing, he urged his listeners to dare to believe the man of God, Pastor Chris. Taking a swipe at “claims by some skeptics and critics that say that we are worshiping a man. I wished I could worship him. Idol worshipers become like the idols says the bible. The moment you submit your authority to idols, you become like them”, he added. He said that it is scriptural to believe the man of God. Reading from the book of 2 Chronicles 20:20, “Believe in the word of God and be established. Believe His prophet and so shall you prosper”.

He warned that “If you don’t want to prosper, don’t listen to our message because if you do, you must of necessity prosper. It’s our Year of Triumph. Every month, we have a new message and every day, we have a new message from Pastor. How can we fail or have sickness. When I’m in a plane, a bomb can’t go off because of that message” he said to rapturous applause of agreement.

Continuing, he highlighted that the largest church in the United States of America is the size of the entire gathering for the IPPC. Yet, what we have here are only Pastor’s and Partners. Imagine when all churches in Surulere coming together. Only one meeting in Port Harcourt, 2.5 million people gathered. How about the Lagos meeting, he queried.

Rev. Ken said that in the days of David, the young man that told David that he killed King Saul was eliminated. Everything that concerns anybody that talks against a man of God stays running around in circles for years he warned.

The man of God is too persuaded to be dissuaded. How true. He has become the message. When you look at this ministry and go to the exhibition, you will not ask anymore what we do with money. Tears will come out of your eyes as you see visions in action. You’ll become a partner.

Dare to believe in the vision of this ministry. I only know that it’s not normal but supernatural for two year old kids and the aged to know him and pronounce his name. Pastor gave a word of knowledge last night about an ear being healed, a French lady got healed. She didn’t hear English.

He made Brother Ralph a hundred million richer in split seconds. Brother Ralph, come to America for one week vacation.

Reading from the book of Acts 26: 1, he asked why is it incredible to you that God should raise the dead. A believer once asked me if the hearings are real and verifiable from doctors. Since the greatest miracle is salvation, can you tell me which doctor verifies salvation miracle?

Jesus appeared to Saul to make him a minister. God has brought you here. Stand on your convictions and persuasions. Opening people’s eyes and mending broken hearts. Is that not what we are doing? Is that not the reason for partnerships? That’s where our man of God comes in and shouts “healed, out!” Sometimes, he doesn’t even talk..

Dare to believe the timeless message of this ministry that lifts the person and personality of Jesus. This annoys religion. We must keep annoying religion. We have a message that works. That gives lives meaning and paralysis sicknesses. No weapon formed against us prospers because of that message. It is the tree that has fruits that people throw stones at. That’s why we are being persecuted. Our messages never fail. There’s no message that doesn’t make you a success.

We are sons and daughters of a great man of God. Even though he doesn’t go about calling people sons, many are born to him daily.

1 Corinthians 4:15

We don’t have many fathers even when we have many instructors. Sonship comes through the gospel. Pastor has raised us as his Timothy to bring his message everywhere. He has taught us his ways. Dare to believe the message.

Do you believe in miracle? Dare to believe in the miracles of this ministry. The miracles are timeless. The gospel is relived. Christianity without the supernatural is religion. Miracles take place in our churches as we replicate what Pastor does.

Dare to be a partner. This is IPPC. We’ve come from different places. What will become of you after this convergence? I’m going to do more in 2016. You can’t be a clapping partner. Aspire to go up and receive your award. Increase your partnership. We will drive partnership in 2016. Partnership is your life. You cannot not be a partner. It promotes you and ensures that the devil will never prevail over you. Everything you do prospers. Those that have come out, consistently come out, meaning that they are not diminishing even after their giving.

Endangered animals are the carnivores. Those animals men eat are never endangered species. Chicken, beef, fish, etc., the more you kill, the more you have. If you don’t want your finances to diminish, then give. Increase your partnership. Outdo yourself, not against one another. Do more by the power of the Holy Ghost. Just thinking about the idea, God is pleased and will increase you and the size of your faith.

Dare to believe in the rapture of the church. There’s one ceremony I will like to attend. I want to be in that ceremony. The man of God went to his alma matter and was awarded an honorary degree. After the rapture, I want to witness how our Lord will award and reward our man of God. I want to witness that award. We I think about the impact of this ministry, all the arms of this ministry, the messages, salvation, etc and watch how God will say thank you to this man that have given my life a meaning. It’s not going to be far away. We will be there with our partnership.

He closed the wonderful teaching with a song: When the roll is called up yonder…. When the roll is called up yonder…. When the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there….

Culled from IPPC Daily


Unknown said...

Glory...glory,I believe greatly in the message...and am persuaded to do more,for the word works..hallelujah

Unknown said...

Glory...glory,I believe greatly in the message...and am persuaded to do more,for the word works..hallelujah