Tuesday 24 November 2015

IPPC 2015 DAY 5 Evening - REV. Dr Chris Oyakhilome

2 Timothy 3:1 In the last days its going to be difficult to be a Christian because of challenges. It is not possible to live a Christian life without the Holy Spirit. Human goodness is not the definition of Christianity.

Christ lives in you through the Holy Spirit. Otherwise you will be a kind and good person but not a Christian. It is the Holy Spirit that brings you into Christ. He is the one that baptise you into Christ. That is why we say receive yee the Holy Spirit. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is being born again. He baptise you into Christ to become a member of the body of Christ.

Many have been seeking something they already have, the Holy Spirit has come to live in us. 2 Timothy 4:1 the gospel is a living thing it works its alive, prove what you have, be bold. The gift of prophecy is the door to the supernatural. The gift of prophecy is important don't despise it like some people do.

The gift of prophecy is what has brought us here, it's like a guiding light, God's only proof for the people is the word of prophets to say these things were said before. You write the prophecy down and when you live by it, it will come to pass. ISIS are willing to die for something they believe which you say is wrong, but how much have you put in for that which is right. How many have cried tears for them in prayer.

There are many ignorant people in the world it requires our tears and prayers, the time is short we are in the last days. The signs are clear, we are almost there and we can smell it. Use your faith for the Gospel not your material needs. Paul said I fought a good fight. Have you fought at all? I am fighting a good fight to say the gospel works, are you on course, its important to keep the faith. Acts 20:24.

 Revelations 2:10 God doesn't want us afraid, Hebrew 2:14-15 because of fear of death all their lives were bondage to death but Christ delivered them so there is no reason to fear. Fear is unnecessary, Paul said he fought a good fight, its a fight when they tell you that you can't have church in this area. You go on your knees and prophesy. When you are threatened, step aside and pray, speak in tongues. Speaking in tongues will cause the word to come to you, you already knew the Scriptures in your head but that moment you knew its for now, that is why we can't be defeated, the Spirit of God tells you don't worry I am fixing things.

 You are a seed of Abraham, you are not an ordinary person. You are an heir of God, joint heir with Christ. Philipians 1:27-30 we are an army and the Spirit of God gives us instructions and direction. We move with one mind. We are not the first generation of church there are many who have gone before us. It's like a relay and the fastest is put at the last that is to say you are our hope. The bible says the glory of the later house shall exceed the former. These are the last days. Its getting greater by the day, we are raising a new generation.

We don't understand when someone says you can't do this or that. If we have chosen to do it, it can be done. It's our mentality, when the word of God sends you, there is no stopping you. This world belongs to us, its ours. Christ is in me, there is something inside you, the Spirit of God is packaged inside you.

Don't be terrified by the adversary. Don't let anything terrify you, not even death. It pays to listen to the right things because at the right time it will come. Brothers and sisters greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. Jesus is a master strategist trust him with your life. He is not trying to take advantage of you. Sometimes he will lead you through a path that is not popular but one thing is true, all the things he has said will come true.

There are things that were difficult in your life but because of increased grace they are going to become easy. God can do something in someone's  life, God can take charge of your life, have no fear, whatever you need is inside. What God is saying is inside, the word Prophecy means to burn up

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