Sunday 5 October 2014

The October Global Classroom Simulcast with Pastor Chris

Pastor has begun the Question and Answer segment and answering the first question on bullying; Pastor explained that when one faces a situation such as this, such a person has to believe in who is and refuse to be afraid like the word of God has taught us. Pastor explained that a bully tends to smell fear just like dogs do and the best way to handle them is by exhibiting boldness.
The second question from South Africa said: "Is it possible for someone who has sold h
is soul to the devil to be born again?"
Pastor said that all souls belong to Jesus as he bought the whole field so no one has a right over his soul or can sell it. It is an illegal transaction as you have no rule over it. But the exception to this is one who is blasphemous against the Holy Ghost.
Angel from Kenya asked his question asking if he could tithe from a business whose source he knows is fraudulent.
Pastor said that since his consciousness tells him it's from the wrong source, he can't tithe on it.

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