Sunday 5 October 2014

October Global Classroom With Pastor Chris. More

Pastor went on by answering a question from UK, which said will God forgive a Christian who makes a proclamation in Islam just to save his or her soul?

Pastor answered this question by saying it's a conviction, it's not something you can lay aside, in Matthew 10:33, Jesus said, 'whosoever shall deny me before men...' When Jesus says he doesn't know an individual, that individual is finished forever. Christianity is beyond this earth. Jesus didn't come to save us just so we could have a nice life here
on earth. Reading 2 Corinthians 5:15, Pastor explained that Christ died for all of us so that we should live for him and no longer for ourselves, so the life we live now, we live by the faith of the son of God who loved us. Therefore if one ever has the opportunity to face such persecution for Jesus Christ, you should count it all joy.

Jason from the U.S asked that since Jesus asked us not to kill in Luke 19:27, why did Jesus command Jihad?
Pastor explained saying it is inappropriate to call this jihad and that we need to read the scripture in the right context. And judgment shouldn't be carried out by just any one as all judgment is committed to Jesus as he was the only one who gave his life for the whole world and has the right to pass judgement.                                                                            
God bless you

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