The Night of Bliss Johannesburg, South Africa, with the man of God, Rev. (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome, increased in tempo by the second.
Hours to the event, thousands throng the arena to ensure they are seated early for the life changing event.
The sick, the deaf, the dumb, the maimed, the paralyzed and all those with different ailments made their way into the arena, they are fully convinced that their miracle is certain.
Rapturous applauses and shouts of joy punctuated the fun-filled arena as music ministers led the exuberant congregation in songs of praise and worship. Well-choreographed dance routines told stories that resonate with many in the auditorium, intertwined with hit tracks from LMAM artistes.
Certainly there is an aura of bliss tonight as the crowds are inspired by powerful ministrations to reach out their faith to the Lord
Dancing and celebration at the FNB Stadium as rain poured during the earlier hours of the ongoing Night of Bliss Johannesburg was evidence that God's plans and desires for everyone in the auditorium would not go unfulfilled.
The majestic entrance of the man of God, Rev. (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome, into the FNB Stadium, venue of the Night of Bliss Johannesburg 2016, carried with it a resplendent air. It was just the moment everyone in the Southern Africa Region had been preparing for.
The rapturous response from ecstatic brethren is proof positive that all their hearts desires have been realized. Pastor Chris' entrance into the FNB Stadium, a culmination of months of anticipation and earnest preparation, was the only signal needed that the time of visitation had come.
Like the brethren and invited guests have never experienced before, the atmosphere at the Night of Bliss Johannesburg is one of peace indescribable, a quiet confidence that every unfortunate and undesirable circumstance would be turned around by the anointing.
All kinds of sickness, infirmities and conditions were healed. Many who had been troubled and possessed by demons and unclean spirits were set free and delivered. Much more, several thousands gave their hearts to Christ. Thousands rejoice in the Holy Ghost, giving credence to the tag of tonight's program. Of a surety, the miracles and testimonies of the many from different nations cannot be stopped; what a night!
Hours to the event, thousands throng the arena to ensure they are seated early for the life changing event.
The sick, the deaf, the dumb, the maimed, the paralyzed and all those with different ailments made their way into the arena, they are fully convinced that their miracle is certain.
Rapturous applauses and shouts of joy punctuated the fun-filled arena as music ministers led the exuberant congregation in songs of praise and worship. Well-choreographed dance routines told stories that resonate with many in the auditorium, intertwined with hit tracks from LMAM artistes.
Certainly there is an aura of bliss tonight as the crowds are inspired by powerful ministrations to reach out their faith to the Lord
Dancing and celebration at the FNB Stadium as rain poured during the earlier hours of the ongoing Night of Bliss Johannesburg was evidence that God's plans and desires for everyone in the auditorium would not go unfulfilled.
The majestic entrance of the man of God, Rev. (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome, into the FNB Stadium, venue of the Night of Bliss Johannesburg 2016, carried with it a resplendent air. It was just the moment everyone in the Southern Africa Region had been preparing for.

Like the brethren and invited guests have never experienced before, the atmosphere at the Night of Bliss Johannesburg is one of peace indescribable, a quiet confidence that every unfortunate and undesirable circumstance would be turned around by the anointing.
All kinds of sickness, infirmities and conditions were healed. Many who had been troubled and possessed by demons and unclean spirits were set free and delivered. Much more, several thousands gave their hearts to Christ. Thousands rejoice in the Holy Ghost, giving credence to the tag of tonight's program. Of a surety, the miracles and testimonies of the many from different nations cannot be stopped; what a night!
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