Wednesday 30 December 2015

Position Yourself For More

"Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting" (Matthew 17:21).

As learnt in our previous study, fasting helps us to get our spirits attuned to God. It doesn’t get God to listen to us; it gets us to listen to Him.

You may ask, “How does fasting help me in prayer?” In Matthew 26:41, Jesus said, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Fasting is a spiritual exercise; it’s a form of self-denial, where you’re able to subdue your flesh, subdue your appetites, to listen to the voice of the Spirit of God within you. Fasting strengthens your resolve and helps your focus, because praying is an act of communication where you’re talking to the Lord and, at the same time, listening to Him.

He desires to talk to you personally, and for you to understand Him clearly.
However, you can’t hear Him when your spirit is clouded with other things. That’s the reason for fasting. As we journey into a new year, there’re many things He’ll like to talk to you about. It’s time to reposition yourself for greater manifestations of God’s Spirit in your life. Be excited at every opportunity you have to fast and pray, because it’s an opportunity to be repositioned for more.

Rev Chris Oyakhilome

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