Friday 4 December 2015


December 7th of every year is more than just another date on our Calender rather, it is a special date when our great Nation (the Believers’ Loveworld Nation), the Body of Christ and people all over the world
recognize and celebrate the birthday of our Man of God, the Prophet of our time, our teacher, Life Coach and Mentor, Rev. (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome.

Over the years, this event has evolved from more than a day’s commemoration to become a season of opportunity wherein we take up different tasks in our respective catchments all with the sole objective of introducing the love of Jesus Christ to the people in our environs in accordance with the vision of our Man of God. Considering his passion for lost souls, Soul Winning is always an integral part of the events commemorating his birthday.

This year 2015, the Soul Winning Campaign will run from Friday 4th to Sunday 6th December.  In demonstration of the generosity of our Man of God and to make the Campaign even more exciting, printable Vouchers will be made available to the Churches to be used by the brethren as gifts from our Man of God to those they reach on the Mission Field. These Voucher will grants our Contacts access to free downloadable materials by Pastor on a Web Site and when they get on the Site they will also have the opportunity to convey their birthday wishes to Pastor.

To assist us in implementing the above, kindly find below a basic guide to share with the brethren to prepare them for a productive Soul Winning Campaign:

Before setting out:
➢ Let the brethren know what the Campaign is about i.e. winning souls particularly in commemoration of the birthday of our Man of God
➢ Let them know why they should be involved
➢ Pray fervently with them
➢ Admonish them to:
(a) Dress decently
(b) Go out in pairs preferably
(c) Do not engage in arguments
(d) Avoid questions that have no bearing with the purpose
(e) Refuse to get angry no matter what they are told by those they meet


Step 1 - Greet the contact politely with a smile, introduce yourself and then ask for the person’s name.

Step 2 - Introduce your purpose with great excitement - e.g. “We would like to share something very important with you” or “We would like to tell you something that will turn your life around”!

Step 3 – Ask the person if he/she is born again.

Step 4 – If he/she says “yes I am born again” politely ask when and what the person understands as “being born again”. The right response should be something like “Born again means accepting/confessing the Lordship of Jesus over my life”.

Step 5 - Then you ask the person what church he/she goes to and what he/she does in church. If the response shows commitment to a church, encourage the person to remain in his/her Church and to win souls as that is what every Christian should do. But if the response doesn’t show commitment, invite the person to Church.

Step 6 – Thank the person for listening and share a simple word of prayer blessing him/her and declaring that he/she will walk in God’s perfect will for his/her life.

Step 7 - Ask for the person’s contact details (at least name and phone number) so you can follow up

Step 8 – Tell the person that we are celebrating the birthday of our Pastor, Rev. Chris Oyakhilome and we have a gift for him/her from our Pastor. Then give the gift voucher and explain how it works.


Step 1 - Greet your contact politely with a smile, introduce yourself and then ask for the person’s name.

Step 2 – Ask the person if he/she is born again.  A response like - “everybody is born again”, “Yes I am a born again”, “it depends on what you mean by born again”, or “of course I have been born again since I was born” means the person IS NOT Born again.
Step 3 - Introduce your purpose with great excitement - e.g. “We would like to share something very important with you” or “We would like to tell you something that will turn your life around”!

Step 4 – Ask if he/she knows that he/she is a very important personality and is loved in a special way by someone very great. Then introduce Jesus in your conversation using simple scriptures like John 3:16 (Put the person’s name there e.g. for God so loved Sandra that he gave his only begotten son that if Sandra will believe in him she will not perish but have everlasting life). Let the person know that believing that Jesus is the son of God is not enough, that it is important to receive him as Lord and Saviour because that is the only way to receive salvation and the life of God. Share Romans 10:9-10. Let the person know that God wants to make his/her life beautiful and exciting (John 10:10)

Step 5 – Make sure the person understands what you have shared and then request to lead the person to Christ.

Step 6 – If he/she consents, lead the person in the prayer of salvation together (as is in the back page of your ROR). If he/she refuses to be led to Christ, move to step 7

Step 7 - Take the person’ s contact and invite them to church.

Step 8 – Tell the person that we are celebrating the birthday of our Pastor, Rev. Chris Oyakhilome and we have a gift for him/her from our Pastor. Then give the gift voucher and explain how it works.


In view of the inestimable value of souls to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and also to our Man of God, it is requested that every Church should constructively plan and embark on this Campaign with great passion and conviction so as to deliver a tremendous harvest. This will guarantee a memorable birthday commemoration for our Man of God and ultimately cause us to shine as stars for ever and ever…Daniel 12:3

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