Tuesday 3 November 2015


"Things that are seen don't last forever, but things that are not seen are eternal. That's why we keep our minds on the things that cannot be seen" (2 Corinthians  4:18)

As Christians, we achieve our success, victory, prosperity and progress in life by activating certain spiritual principles that we find in God's Word. One of such principles is "seeing the unseen." This means seeing with your "faith-eye," seeing your miracle first from inside you-your heart.

Before the physical manifestation of the glory and supernatural power of God in your life, you must see it first within you. Once you can see it in your spirit-with the eyes of faith-then that thing is already yours. You can never have it on the outside if you didn't first have it within. That's where some have missed it. They want to see first with their physical eyes before calling real that which God has promised. That's not faith. Faith is calling real that which the physical senses cannot perceive.

For instance, it'd be wrong for anyone to say of a pregnant woman, "I can't see her baby; so there's nothing in her womb." The fact is that the baby is there even though no one can see it. Even before her belly got big, the baby was there already. The belly only got big because the baby inside grew bigger. At the end of the gestation period, the baby will be born.

In the same way, that miracle you're pregnant with-that blessing you've already seen and taken possession of in the spirit-will manifest if you refuse to vacillate or waver in your faith.

With your eyes of faith, see that new job you desire; see your prosperity, health, peace, progress, success, deliverance and the salvation of your family and friends. Begin to proclaim with your mouth that which you've already seen within you, not so they'll come to pass, but because you know that in the faith realm, they already exist!

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