Saturday 3 October 2015



"All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not" (1 Corinthians  10:23)

God didn't give us an express instruction not to drink wine but I think it is implied in His Word not to: "And be not drunk
with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit"(Ephesians 5:18). That is why I think any Christian worth his salt wouldn't be a winebibber. The reason some still do is that they want to measure up to a particular class of people. "How can So-and-so visit me and I only offer him soft drinks?" they argue.

We must learn to discipline ourselves by putting away those things that are unprofitable to our Christian walk. Such things might not be sinful but they add absolutely nothing to your spiritual worth. God wants your complete attention and that’s why the apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10:23 that "it may be perfectly legal, but it may not be best and helpful" (TLB).

Some have found themselves bound by unimaginable habits because they were easily influenced by their environment. They smoke, use offensive language and are generally lousy all because they want to measure up to a particular group of people in the society. it's really sad.

Don't let the world have so much influence on you, rather be the one to influence your world. If they laugh at you, don't be embarrassed.

You don’t need to strive to attain to a class in this world because you're already living in the highest class in the universe by virtue of the life you have in Christ Jesus. You must understand that as God's people, we have absolutely nothing to apologize for. We have nothing to be ashamed of because there’s nothing in this world that can be compared with our inheritance in Christ.

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