Saturday 10 October 2015



"And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way" (Mark  10:52).

God is big! I don't mean in size (which of course He is); rather I'm referring to the awesomeness of His deeds.
He's the great God of glory who made the whole universe. Think about it, if it took Him such a short time to create such a vast estate as the universe, the depth and size of which man is  still trying to comprehend, how long will it take Him to solve your problems and change your situation?

God knew you ever before you were born. He knew all the wrong things you would do and every situation you would find yourself. With all these in His mind, He decided to choose you anyway. Doesn't that imply that He can handle you and everything that has to do with you? He has counted the cost of choosing you and He is okay with it, praise God!

How long does it take God to turn a sinner into a saint? A split second! Once a sinner believes in Him and confesses the same, he's immediately saved and transformed into a saint. All happens in a split second. If He can do that for a sinner, what about the one who is saved? It wouldn't take Him much time to change your situation for good. So don't give up! Remember, anything is possible when you put your hand into His.

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