Sunday 25 October 2015

Global Service with Pastor Chris. 25th October, 2015

Global Service with Pastor Chris.
25th October, 2015

1. Jesus came to show us our origin
2. He came to show us our purpose
3. He came to show us our future
John 13:3
John 8:42
John 16:26-28

Jesus came from the Father. He knew His origin. Did He state His purpose? Emphatically yes!
Luke 19:10
Here He declares His purpose: to seek and save the lost.
How? John 10:10
Jesus came to give us life
John 18:36-37 This is an encounter that Jesus had with governor Pilate.
Jesus answered clearly, "I am a King". Though King James Version is a little misleading. Jesus came to bear witness of the truth. Pilate was confused. Truth is reality, Jesus said I am the TRUTH.
John 8:23. Jesus told these people that they are from beneath and He is from above. Where is beneath? Proverb 15:24. Hell is a spiritual location. Hell is from beneath. Jesus was in John 8:23 telling these people that they are from hell.
Isaiah 14:9. Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming:... So He meant that they people are from the regions of darkness. John 3:10.
Every human being is born into darkness. You do not need to do anything to be the child of the devil. Once you are born, you are born of him - devil, that's why it's important to give your life to Christ. That's how to be born of God.
Our citizenship is in heaven, the citizenship of the unsaved is from hell. Every man must return to His origin, that's why we preach the Gospel to bring as many as possible into Christ.
Important to note. A life from God cannot go to hell .
1 Thes 5:5, 9. We are children of light. Testify of your origin, "I am from above "
My origin is from God. I come from God. I am from God.
My purpose is to be like Jesus. To seek and save the lost. I give life. I bring life. It's my ministry. I bear with to the truth. I testify to the truth of Jesus.

Who is Jesus?
Jesus is the word of God incarnate.
Jesus is the love of God revealed. To know Jesus is to know love.
Jesus is the wisdom of God manifested.
Jesus is the righteousness of God unveiled!
In Christianity we are transfigured, transfused and transmitted!
You can understand why I want to preach the Gospel!
Magnify and worship Him.

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