Wednesday 28 October 2015


7 Point Agenda for IPPC registration with KingsChat.

An expose on the 7 points action plan on IPPC registration with Kingchat to be used at every service to enlighten the members on IPPC 2015 registration.

#1.  No KingsChat 3.1 NO Access into IPPC 2015.
Therefore, it should be noted and included in all announcement as announced by Rev Dr. chris OYAKHILOME during the Global service, the need for every Pastor, partners and members to download and install the KingsChat App 3.1.

#2. How Does it work?
When Registering for IPPC 2015 your KingsChat number would be required. And at the access point your QR code will be scanned for your access.

#3. Your KingsChat number is in this format +234 8028850009.
For people with many phone number, do make sure to confirm your number by checking from your KingsChat app settings right below your name

#4.Enter this number correctly during registration.

#5. If you have multiple numbers on KingsChat, choose one and use that during the registration process KingsChat
#6. After your registration at the access point,your device needs to be switched on for your QRcode to be scanned. You don't require any internet data to access your QR code.

Your QRcode is unique and differs from any other. You can find it under your KingsChat setting : MY QR CODE.

#7. Kindly get a power bank as back up in case your device is switched off due to low battery. Please also note that strategic power bank stations will be available at the access point to aid this purpose.

Every church should have a Solution center set up for IPPC Registration where their DPAC ambassador works with Partnership rep to assist with download, installation and upgrade of KingsChat by Partners and Pastors for their registration.

Please Note: KingsChat is only available for IOS and Android devices. Brethren are advised to upgrade their devices to enable them use the app. No KingsChat for Blackberry or windows devices

Please do upgrade your KingsChat today, for further support contact your partnership rep or DPAC ambassador.
You can also call +234 8139534428.
"Stop pinging, start Kinging"
Thank you kindly.

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