Saturday 12 September 2015

Where do babies go when/if they die? Pastor Chris Answers

Pastor Chris fields questions from around the world with distinguished panelists.
The September 2015 Global Communion Service is LIVE, and the man of God, Rev. (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome is currently on set with the Zonal Directors of Christ Embassy Port Harcourt Zone 3 and Abuja Zone, Pastor Joy Amenkhienan and Pastor Chidi Ezimako, as well as the Campus Ministry Director, Pastor Freedom Wealth-Eriya.
The Q&A segment is one of the most anticipated portions of the program. Many tune in to this segment on LoveWorld Plus, LoveWorld SAT, LoveWorld TV UK, via the internet and in BLW churches and fellowships around the world. The following are synopses of some of the questions taken:

What is the importance of dreams to the Christian? Does God still talk to His children through dreams?
Dreams are only important in that they are consistent with God’s Word to you. God did not promise to talk to Christians through dreams; He only uses dreams for those who are not walking in the Spirit. His ‘modus operandi’ is to talk to us through the Spirit and by visions.
Dreams are the lowest form of God’s communication with the Christian, because they are also an area where the mind, Satan and other factors can have influence.
How do you come out of something you are addicted to?
Recognize the Word of God.
If sin will not have dominion over you, then negative habits will not have dominion over you. Trust in the Lord and stay your mind on Him, and no addiction can hold you.
What does it mean to take up your cross and follow the Lord?
What do you do on a cross? You die on it. It’s talking figuratively in the sense that you give up your desires and interests for the Lord.
Where do babies go when/if they die? Do they go to Heaven or hell? What if there was a miscarriage?
The human being has an animal life and a spiritual life. At what point is that spirit life introduced into the body that has been prepared for it? We don’t know; only God knows that. Therefore, it is up to God where those babies go.
One thing is certain, however, through the scriptures, that when a Christian gives birth to a child, that child is taken over by God. For the unbeliever, the scriptures say that his children are unholy. As such, up until the age of accountability, children ride on the faith of their parents.
What are the dangers of reading positive-thinking books that exclude God? 
Jesus’ message on faith was to the un-recreated Jew – natural men – so, it is not restricted to Christians only. It can be seen at work in the physical structures that men have erected, against odds of nature; it was faith at work.
However, that kind of faith without the Holy Spirit is ’empty faith’. True faith is faith that comes through God’s Word.

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