Monday 10 August 2015


In the aftermath of the Nation’s Golden Jubilee and a new political dispensation, the ReachOut Nigeria 2015 is aimed at fostering hope and faith in the heart of Nigerians to dream of a better and brighter future, and above all create the avenue for Nigerians to experience the love of Christ, which gives faith and confidence.

Let’s inspire hope in the hearts of the citizens of Nigeria, “forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.”

The Nigerian nation state will never remain the same again as the citizens receive hope, and have their patriotic zeal rekindled
Activities lined-up for this year’s ReachOut Campaign:
1. National Press Conference
2. Grand Launch and Unveiling
3. Free distribution
4. Community Projects
5. Daily Live Transmission
Join us to positively impact the country as we celebrate her 54th independence anniversary with the distribution of  millions of copies of the October 2015 Special Commemorative edition of Rhapsody of Realities in different formats and languages!

1.  Sponsor as many copies of Rhapsody of Realities as you want in any format and language.
2. Sign up your friends and loved ones to receive the free commemorative edition of Rhapsody of Realities in e-format. Click here! ...spread the awareness!!!

Join Us
Nigeria will never remain the same again as the citizens receive hope through the “Messenger Angel,” Rhapsody of Realities.
So, come on! Come dressed in the nation’s national colours—Green and White—and join the carnival in your neighbourhood.

1 comment:

Kingdom David said...

Let's make it big this year