Tuesday 28 July 2015

Benefits Of Being In A Cell

Benefits of being in a Cell.

1. You become more than a number; you have a personal identity with the church and the Pastor by being in a cell.

2. The Cell is a missionary unit, through the cell; you have the opportunity to be involved in organised evangelism, thereby fulfilling your call to soul winning.

3. By being in a cell, You have the opportunity to develop gifts , talents and ministries as  you take on a responsibility in the cell. It brings out the best in you.

4.The cell is the place where a new member gets to make new friends. As the Bible says , iron sharpens iron and evil communication corrupts good manners. The right relationships can be developed and maintained through the cell ministry.

5. Your Spiritual growth and development is greatly enhanced because you have the opportunity of learning God's word at "grassroots level"

6.The Cell system is God's security network for you because you have people who watch out for your welfare,who pray for you, celebrate with you,

#Join a Cell Today!

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