Sunday 3 May 2015

Q&A with Pastor Chris at May Communion Service

Q&A with Pastor Chris at May Communion Service

Pastor Chris and CEC Members answer questions from viewers around the world.
The man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome PhD, has provided answers to several questions from around the world on the special PastorChrisLive segment of the Global Communion Services.

Today, Pastor is on set at the May 2015 edition of the Global Communion Services with Rev. Tom Amenkhienan and Rev. Ken Oyakhilome to provide Bible-based answers to the concerns of many. The following are synopses of the answers provided:

Jesus said "I say only the words of my Father." What does that mean? Can a person live forever?
Jesus is the living Word, so whatever He said is what God has said in the Spirit. He always spoke from the heart of the Father.

Yes, we can live forever. It is the reason Jesus came, that men would have eternal life. It's a re-birth into eternal life.

What does it really mean to work out your salvation with fear and trembling?
It refers to godly reverence, not actual fear or being scared. It means you put your salvation to work and live it out, with godly reverence.

Is there something wrong with living childless?
There's nothing wrong with living without children. Abraham had no child until God gave Him one; the Bible does not record that Paul had any children either. Remember that, even if you had a child, the child is not really yours. He or she will grow older and become independent of you, so you are actually a custodian.

However, God requires us to care for one another, so even if you have no child of your own, "every child is your child." You should take care of children.

If God loves us the same way, why does God say in the Bible, "Jacob have I loved, and Esau have I hated."
God loves everyone, according to John 3:16, as He loves Jesus. In the scripture read "Esau have I hated," He was referring to His choice of Jacob over Esau. God does not have the capacity to hate; He is love!

Trying to find hatred in God is like attempting to find darkness in light. He is totally love! In the scriptures, the Prophets sometimes spoke in poetic language that could be misinterpreted when not properly decoded.

Must one attend every program in Church?
Activities that are scheduled in Church are designed to enhance growth. The time spent in Church is actually minimal compared with time spent elsewhere. Remember that we are contending for the souls of men, so those programs serve to build men.

In the Old Testament, their lives centered around the Temple, because they realized it is a place of worship and instruction, from where their prosperity comes.

Acts 2:46 showed that the early Christians spent a lot of time in God's house. But, it is important to note as well that every Christian carries the Church with them, so in a sense we never leave the Church.

Who is Melchiezedek as described in the scriptures?
He is called King of Righteousness and King of Peace! The Bible says He had no father or mother, no beginning or end of days. He was a manifestation of the pre-incarnate Christ.

More updates from the ongoing Communion Service to come, only on LoveWorld News.

Culled from LW News

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