Gratitude is important in our lives because when we are grateful for what we have, we’ll attract more abundance in our lives. Furthermore, we’ll feel more fulfilled and happy with our lives when we are grateful for what we have.
Meanwhile, someone who is ungrateful will perceive a lack. There will be a void in their lives. To lead a truly rich life, each of us needs a sense of gratitude. You get my point.
One way I’ve discovered to be more grateful and in turn create a more fulfilling life for myself is by “counting my blessings”. Basically, this means that as I begin each day, I mentally go through a list of things I’m grateful for. They range from my salvation to my personality characteristics to my career to my material goods. I just go down the list and go into a state of utter appreciation for each positive thing going on in my life.
As you can see, this is easy to do. And it really works. Having an attitude of gratitude will enrich your life in more ways than you can imagine. Don’t take my word for it, though. Prove it to yourself by taking a week and practicing the technique every day as you get up. As you do this, it will become easier. Another neat benefit you’ll receive is that you’ll find more and more things to be grateful for and your sense of appreciation will increase.
Another method for creating gratitude is to volunteer your time for others. Help those out who are less fortunate than you. It will make you feel good and you’ll get a sense of how much you really do have which you may or may not notice through your day to day life.
On occasion, though not as often as I’d like, I go downtown and find some homeless people standing outside the shelters and offer to buy them a simple fast food dinner. I take a small group of them to the local fast food restaurant and buy them some burgers. When I chat with them, it’s interesting to understand their points of view and get acquainted with them. They get a free meal and I get a sense of gratitude for all I have as well as a feeling that I helped someone else out a little bit.
So the next free moment you get, you might stop and ask yourself what you’re thankful for. It’ll serve you well.
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