Monday 28 July 2014


February 15, 2014 at 3:27pm
Pastor Chris 
(February 12, 2014)

What you focus your mind on will control your thoughts A lot of times, when people go for a meeting, they focus on what other people did and not their expectation. If they went for a prayer meeting and you ask them how was the meeting, they say, "oh they prayed prayed and prayed ". Their attention is not in the answerThe secret is in the message.I am not afraid of challenges. Without challenges, there would be no promotion in life. You have to be prepared. This conference will bring remarkable blessing to you and prepare you for the future.

Wealth Creation Can I create wealth? It is an important question. Can I create wealth? YesCan I help others create wealth?This is good wether you are enjoying wealth or not because it will help you and it will help you to help others.

Gen 1:1What I am going to be sharing with you will put you in a position where you will never lack.I will never lack in my life.

Verse 2
When you study this part of the bible, it is evident that there is a great difference between verses 1 and verse 2Verse 3 let there be lightThe Hebrew translation is actually 'Light be'. He said light come into existence and it happenedThe 1st manifestation of God we see is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.Elohim. It connote the godhead. It's more than one person in the Godhead.In the Godhead, we have identified one person and this one person is the Holy Spirit. Verse 2 and the Spirit of God moved (brood, hovered) upon the face of the watersIn the 3rd verse creation begins.Interestingly the bible didn't say creation. This is recreation.From verse two, there is a great difference from verse 1. Something happened and that was what made it empty. Something made it empty.Except you see specifically when it says God created, it wasn't creation. It was recreation.The Holy Spirit hovered over the earth, then God said.
Verses 4-5
Isn't that wonderful, God doesn't start from light to darkness but darkness to light.So your day starts from evening to morning.

Verses 6-11 It didn't say God created,,,it says let the earth bring forth...that means they had been thereVerse 16 and God made 2 great lightsThese weren't there before.
Verse 17
Did you noticed..that God created great whales. So you must notice when He created something new and when He commands
Vs 26 -28 let us make man
Notice the authority He gave man over all the earth. Don't miss that
Gen 2:1- 3

Gen 1:27 God created man in His own image and likeness

Create - to bring something into the material world from nothingMade- to sqeeze into shape from pre-existing materialThe potentials where in the earth because God's word said so. They were waiting for God to command the rainThe creation of man and the forming of man were 2 different things. When He created man, man was a spirit and then he formed man from the dust of the earth.
Gen 1:3

Verse 2 tells us the Holy Spiirt was there 1stWhen God started this creation, 2 things were necessary; the Holy Spirit and the the Word.This is very important

Did u know that when God created man...

Gen 1:26Let him be like us. That means let him function like usLet him look like us and let him do like us.You are the image of God. That is the fact of life.God said thou shalt not kill because man is created in the image of God.How can you not love some one who is in the image of God whom you said you love.We are supposed to do like him.We are supposed to copy him

Ephe 5:1 be ye followers of GodBe imitators of God We are supposed to copy Him.Jesus said I do what I see my father do.

God said the silver and the gold are mine, the cattle upon a thousand hill they belong to me.If u want to bring wealth into ur life, you can.If the Holy Spirit put his presence into something, then it means He prepare that thing for His purpose.The Holy Spirit is the power but God has to speak

What is it that is important about words?Words contain energy.Your words creates sound wave that can be measured. When you speak, sound waves are created from your spirit and these sound waves carry energy, measurable energy.How many of you raised the volume of your systems and then you begin to see some items vibrateYou didn't see the energy but you saw the effect of the energy. That you didn't see it doesn't mean that it is not there.Every time you speak, you release energy.God speaks and then physical things started happening, material things stated coming to being.Our words when acted upon by the spirit can produce effect in the material world.This is really really amazing

Science has carried out lot of experiments trying to find out these truth.A certain scientist decided to look for the power of words in things so he planted two different plants.And then he decided that he would speak words of kindness to one and curses to the other.The one that he talked nicely to kept getting better and better and the one that received all the abuse literally weathered away.

A doctor had two men. One had cancer and the other didn't.They missed up the report and gave it to them wrongly. And they both went home. The one who got the wrong result was told that he would die in less that 3 years.Guess what? The one who had no cancer died in three years. What happend? He must have told everyone he had cancer and that he was going to die in less than three years.The other went home telling every one that he was free and that he was not going to die after all. And he was free.

Words are powerfulWord are ur bridge between the spiritual realm and the physical.Energy is matter. If energy is matter then ur speech is matterThe smallest component of Now I can understand why we can call things from the spiritual realm to the physical

The valley of the dry bone...The greatest thing that God gave to the human being is the power of speech. Every thing has sound code.If high intensity ultra sound code can destroy cancer that means words can destroy cancer.Now you see why it is dangerous for you to speak negatively.Once you speak, creation starts. How soon it shows up depends on the intensity

Rom 10:8-10It is with your heart that you are aligned with God's will and purpose and with your mouth you are catapulted to God's salvation, blessing

Matt 6:10 thy will be done on earth.That means now. Is there lack in heaven? is there sickness in heaven? Which means the life He wants me to live now is in consistency with the life in heaven.His death, His resurrection brought us the kingdom That means His kingdom has come

3 John 2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in healthThis is the fathers will, that you prosper and be in health. If only you can believe what I am sharing with you. Expect miracles to begin from tonight.When I minister to people, there are healing angelsThose angels go and begin to touch some people. Not only are there healing angels, there are angels in charge of finances

While I was talking to them in Benin, I noticed when he walked in. That angel is here today.Some of you are going to find money that you didn't come here with. Many of u are going to find money in your bag. You will find money in ur account that you didn't know how it came about.I am announcing to you what the Holy Spirit has already began to doJesus multiplied fish and bread.When they wanted tax money, Jesus said go and catch a fish and in it's mouth you will find a coin

I command prosperity for you, multiplied finances for

Isaiah 45:2-3 I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and the hidden riches of the secret places.He knows where the money is.Listen, you are a child of God and there is nothing too good for you.The Holy Spirit came into your life to help you live a supernatural life. We are expected to walk in the spirit and live in the spirit. Be heaven conscious. And u will find yourself living beyond the physical realmIf you don't live like this, you will be like the ordinary man.

When I was in school I came home for money and my mum had just gotten some money and she left it in the taxi cab. We had fellowship in school and I needed money for it. You know you can't tell your parents that you needed money for fellowship. But I needed the money.I went into her room, knelt down and prayed. I say, we need the money, father lord perform a miracle. And the spirit of The Lord said "open the drawer in front of you". I did and the money was there. I took it to my mum and she said "where did you get the money". And I took her to the drawer. She knew that the money couldn't have been there.You would be sure that I got the money I needed.

I will always have money.I am showing you how to walk in that realm. Supernatural financing. You have to believe 1st.If u don't believe in the Holy Spirit, how would you be able to speak in tongues. You have to believe 1stFaith comes by hearing and hearing by the word.I share the testimony when I got back to school, several of the believed and they saw money also. Miracles started happening.

Seed to the sower.The 1st thing you need to do is to believe.You will find money todayThere is someone you have been spending money on a back ace. That pain has just left.Someone, you came with a little money. Check, that money has just multiplied.

(Testimonies of back pains being healed and miracle money)

Matt 6:19-20 But lay up your treasures in heaven

How can I lay my treasures in heaven?2 Cor 4:18 for the things which are seen are temporary, and the things which are not seen are eternal.There are the spiritual and there are physical. So there are the temporal and there are the eternal.Where is heaven? If I can know where heaven is then I can go and lay my treasures in heaven.Heaven is God's place and you can begin to experience the heaven life while you are here. We are born after the heaven man and He has given us a life to live. That is a heaven life.The presence of God is where your money should be, under the anointing of God's spirit, under the presence of GodIf u are truly in the presence of God, everything that gets to you is sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Until you recognise this, it would not work.The children of Israel made the word of non effect by their tradition.

I walk in Prosperity.I walk in Divine supply

Matt 6:11 Give us this day, our daily bread...This means for everyday, there is a supply for you. There is a constant flow. God doesn't want you to have for yourself. He wants you to provide for others. That means there is surplus for you.You have a heavenly account and you can draw from it now because I am a child of the king.This supply, you can actually call it forth

Many of you have never drawn from it, that means there is an accumulation of wealth.That you have not drawn from it doesn't mean you have forfeited it. Now that u know., what are you going to do?U know I call forth money a lot. If I need money in my account I say, I call forth money into my bank account now.We must have the miraculous otherwise, Christianity becomes a useless religion.You know some people believe for headaches, fever and before long they begin to believe for blind eyes to be opened. The level must keep increasing.There is an inpartation.

There are several of you here before you come back tomorrow you are going to find money.It is just a sign. Now you will know what our heavenly father thinks of us

Matt 6:11 our daily breadThis just give you an idea of how God thinks.When He took the children of Isreal through the wilderness to the promise land, there was manner everyday.From what I taught you about the sound code, you should begin to call fort money. All those owing u, they will begin to pay.

Tomorrow we are going to go to a higher level

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